

Gravitas International Associates Pte. Ltd. is a legal, business, technology and marketing consulting firm supporting fintech and other companies in digitalizing their assets and raising funds through ICO/ITO.

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Pundi X is a multi-cryptocurrency point-of-sale (“POS”) solutions provider for retail stores seeking to accept digital currencies in the world. Pundi X POS enables shops, cafes and convenience stores to facilitate cryptocurrency transaction for the average consumers.


Easier and smarter AML compliance for the crypto and digital asset industry.


TradeTogether seeks to provide Digital Asset Solutions through a series of Fund strategies


Institutional liquidity provider of options and structured derivatives in digital assets.


ECXX is a platform provider. We are building our own platform which is a marketplace for users. The assets include potentially digital goods or a representation of physical goods.


Commercium is purpose-built as a purely peer-to-peer electronic capital & commerce system harnessing a dual cryptography proof-of-work blockchain (dual-chain). Commercium is designed and engineered for trustless value transfer of specific financial and instruments across capital markets, money markets and commerce markets.
Commercium compliments the cryptography proof of work electronic cash system, Bitcoin by providing peer to peer functionality f financial instruments that are not electronic cash, across the electronic financial environment, in the modern world.


GCOX SG is a leading digital asset exchange that provides trading tools on digital tokens.


We are bridging the gap between DeFi assets and investors.

The solution is crypto and DeFi Robo advisory! iBG simplifies the user experience and gives non-tech savvy users access to DeFi assets and protocols. In traditional investments and portfolio management, you can get financial advisors and use automated platforms to enrich your portfolio. iBG will do the same for DeFi investments, with a smarter solution.


COSS stands for Crypto-One-Stop-Solution and represents a platform, which encompasses all
features of a digital economical system based on cryptocurrency. The COSS system consists of a
payment gateway/POS, an exchange, a merchant list, market cap rankings, a marketplace, an e-wallet,
various coin facilities and a mobile platform. The COSS platform unifies all transactional aspects that
are usually managed by means of FIAT money, and offers multiple cryptocurrency-related services in
one place. The list of potential features of the platform can be infinitely extended and will continue
growing as the platform evolves.

ARKHON simplifies the process of building and managing a digital asset business.

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Based in Singapore, Onchain Custodian is building a global, standardized, resilient, compliant, and automated platform for the safekeeping of institutional digital asset investments with incomparable user experience. Our solution is flexibly built to meet the possible futures of digital asset custody.

As known as The Assn of Treasury Lawyers & Treasury Professionals. The Association of Treasury Lawyers(ATL) is the largest Global Banking Association of its kind – now Banking Law Society: we have a Gold Council Certification & Valuation Service for generic Gold coins / Bitcoins via the platform and through this platform, GB Benchmarks all cryptocurrencies.


0smosis is a venture studio with the mission to make financial services better. We build FinTech ven

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BitMEX is the world’s most advanced P2P crypto-products trading platform and API.


Founded in 2014, Coinhako is a trusted, licensed, and regulated digital asset trading platform.

Showing 41 - 60 of 112 results